Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Andreas Birthday Dinner

Ok, so I know I am so far behind in posting pictures and comments to the blog....we have been in China & Thailand these last few weeks....so, we have a lot of photos and stories to share.  I don't' want to point fingers, but CHINA messed up my flow, and now I'm working to get back on track with posts.

We were in Bangkok for Andreas' birthday, and it will be a few more days before I can share photos of ALL of the birthday festivities...I thought I would sneak this photo into a post now.

Andreas and I celebrating his 36th birthday at Breeze in Bangkok!


  1. :-) breeze is an awesome place isn't it? great that u could enjoy it at Andis birthday!

  2. BTW: Grenzgaenger = Patrick B. ;-)
